ANSARUS - Al-Ansar (الأنصار) "The Helpers"

Welcome to the Unified Muslim Society –
New Muslim Resources and Care!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته (“Peace be upon you as well as Allah's mercy and blessings.”) Unified Muslim Society parents are here to care for the Dawah, Tarbiya, and the post-shahada phase, a crucial time in which converts need their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters to help guide them through their new spiritual identity and journey. And beyond the first few months, lasting friendships and meaningful care communities are even more critical.

About the Unified Muslim Society

Establish Muslim Identity with values and responsibilities for quality life and family commitment with ethical criteria in our social, business, and civic engagement.

Enable a clean, safe, and fun environment for our families, teens, children, and professionals under the Quran and Sunnah. We achieve this critical mission through Islamic Dawah and Tarbiya based on Muslim identity values and responsibility with shared care and support.

What Is Islam

Who is Allah

Who Is Muhammad

When Did Islam Begin




Why Become a Muslim

Just One a Message (PDF Book)

The Beginning and The End

Personal activity planner for the weekly Halaqa, Dawah, Tarbiya, and Muslim identity for personal values and responsibility


The Unified Muslim Society developed a personal activity solution to establish commitment, discipline, and unique qualities for your Muslim identity, values, and responsibilities. It helps you to list, remember, and follow up on your daily action items and goals.

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Muslim Questions & Answers


How to establish relationships with family, relatives, and friends
An encyclopedia about Islam practical issues, guidance and solutions to live in Muslim identity established by Allah Subhan O Ta’ala through Quran Kareem, Hadith and Sunnah, Life of Sahaba and Ummat Ul Momanin راضي الله عنه
The Unified Muslim Society Questions and Answers is an academic, educational, da‘wah effort which aims to offer advice and academic answers based on evidence from religious texts in an adequate and easy-to-understand manner. The MSakina welcomes questions from everyone, Muslims and otherwise, about Islamic, Muslim identity, families, psychological and social matters.

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Discussions and Idea-Sharing


Welcome to the Unified Muslim Society Discussion Forum and Idea-Sharing, a vibrant and engaging online community for Muslims worldwide.

The primary goal is to provide a safe and welcoming platform for Muslims to engage in discussions, seek advice, and share knowledge about various aspects of Islam and daily life. Over the years, the forum has grown significantly, and at its peak, it boasted over 100,000 active members from all corners of the globe.

Our members have contributed to a rich tapestry of topics ranging from Islamic theology, history, and jurisprudence to more practical aspects of daily life, such as marriage, parenting, and personal development.

Our Discussion Forum has always been where Muslims can learn from each other, ask questions, and make lasting friendships and more than a few Ummah forum marriage stories.

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Muslim Media


Helping Muslim parents navigate the modern challenges of raising a strong & loving Muslim family.

We aim to empower Muslim parents with the tools to foster an Allah-centric family, nurturing children who excel in life and confidently embrace their faith.

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P.O. Box 2972, San Ramon, CA 94583
EIN# 80-0442173